Simons Applications Apps

Time Share 1.45
With Time Share you can easily share date andtime in many different formats to applications that can receivetext at sharing, for instance email clients or note applicationslike Evernote. The time can be shared as both message or subject.The application can also copy date and time to the clipboard to beavailable for you to past into any editable text area.After installation of Time Share, three new icons will beavailable in the launcher. One for sharing date and time, one forcopy date and time to clipboard and one icon for settings. You canset if you would like to choose application to 'share to' whenlaunching the time share icon or if you would like to automaticallyshare to the same application every time. You can also let the timecopy launcher automatically start an application after copy.The user can also choose to access these functionalities fromthe status bar.Tags: Timeshare
Time Share Demo 1.45
With Time Share you can easily share dateandtime in many different formats to applications that canreceivetext at sharing, for instance email clients or noteapplicationslike Evernote. The time can be shared as both messageor subject.The application can also copy date and time to theclipboard to beavailable for you to past into any editable textarea.After installation of Time Share, three new icons willbeavailable in the launcher. One for sharing date and time, oneforcopy date and time to clipboard and one icon for settings. Youcanset if you would like to choose application to 'share to'whenlaunching the time share icon or if you would like toautomaticallyshare to the same application every time. You can alsolet the timecopy launcher automatically start an application aftercopy.The user can also choose to access these functionalities fromthestatus bar.The purpose with this application is to demonstratethefunctionality. See for the full version.Tags: Timeshare